Tuesday, November 14, 2006



Baldness - falling of hair (Alopecia) is a condition when ther is loss of hair, either partial or general, due to changes in the follicles which deprive it of its power to form hair. It may be thinning of the head or complete baldness.

Alopecia is of four kinds :

Treatment for baldness - falling of hair:

The following are more useful drugs for this condition and may be tried by selecting according to the symptoms exhibited by the patient. Generally treatment may have to be continued for a considerable time. Doses may be repeated once in 4 to 7 days. Constitutional drug like syphilinum may be administered intercurrently say, once in a month. (up to 2-3 doses).

Fluoric acid 6,30 : This is supposed to be a specific for this condition. Alopecia with congestion of head. The new hair is dry, and breaks off. Cases with a syphilitic taint.

Graphitis 30: Even the hair of the sides of the head falls out. The head sweats easily. This is an important remedy.

Lycopodium 30
: Premature greying of hair and baldness. Hair falls off after abdominal diseases, after parturition; with burning,scaling,itching of the scalp.

Baryta carb 30 : Baldness,espacially of the crown, in young people. Scalp is very sensitive to touch; worse from scratching.

Phosphorous 30, 200 : Falling of hair in tufts, espacially from the crown of the head, due to sickness or mental emotions. Bald spots on the head which are dry and scaly.

Phosphoric acid 30 : When there is falling of hair especially from the sides of the head in consequence of grief and anguish. Falling of hair from general debility.

Natrum mur 30, 200 :Hair falls when touched or combed; mostly on foreparts of the head, temples, and beard. Scalp very sensitive, face shining as if greasy. Falling of hair in nursing woman.

Hypericum 30 : Alopecia caused by headache which was caused by concussion of the brain.

Cantharis 6 : Hair falls out when combing, especially during confinement and lactation. Scales on scalp; Dandruff.

Selenium 200 : Hair falls off when combing; also of eye brows,whishkers, and genitals. Tingling and itching on the scalp, which feels tense and contracted.

Sepia 30 : Losing of hair after chronic headache; much itching of the scalp and roots of hair.

Thalium 200 : Excessive perspiration on head causing baldness. Alopecia following acute exhausting diseases.

Thuja 30, 200 : Falling of hair due to dry white scaly Dandruff.

Sulphur 30 : Dandruff, hairdry,falling off, scalp sore to touch, violent itching worse when getting warm in bed.

Vimca minor 6 : Hair falls out in single spots and white hair grows there. Spots on head oozing moisture and the hair matting together. Great itching of the scalp.

  • The above mentioned drugs are very useful for this condition.The doses (i.e) 6, 30, 200 should be selected according to their age. Generally 30 dose is recommended .


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